By bad luck skier - 30/12/2013 20:28 - United States - Albany

Today, I went skiing. On the first run of the day, a little girl came out of nowhere and crashed into me. I was fine, but she was hurt, so I called the ski patrol. She told him that I deliberately hit her, and got me kicked out. I was there for 10 minutes. I paid for all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 961
You deserved it 3 494

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you hit little girls while skiing you're gonna have a bad time


Why would you call ski patrol if you deliberately hit her? Why Ski Patrol would believe her without thinking about what happened, I don't know.

that get me so mad I want slap that little bitch

**** that little kid, hope she eats shit later by running into a tree next time.

Are you serious? I assume no refund. Go trash the reviews. That's my advice


Should've hit her on purpose after that