By mandy - 05/09/2009 02:19 - United States

Today, I went out with my family and boyfriend for dinner. We were all having a good time, and suddenly at the end of dinner he decides to kneel down on one knee, take out an engagement ring, and say "I choose you, Pikachu," with a straight face. He was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 586
You deserved it 88

Top comments

ciaobella_fml 0

Aw thats so cute, did you say yes?


9k5 0


ziqi92 0

if u didnt accept that proposal i'm gonna shoot u. pokemon is the best thing ever. u know what? i think i'll propose that way too to see whether if my girl is really the one for me. f everyone who hates pokemon and thinks this isnt cute. appreciate the gaming nerds of this world, no matter how old they are.

Your girlfriend not liking Pokemon is a dealbreaker? Are you eight years old and living in the nineties?

Personally, I think it was a very cute and unique way to propose. If you're planning on marrying the guy, you really should learn to love all his little quirks XD

Gasperilla 0
Joeboy777 0
dluzer1029 0

you're being a bitch, that's cutee and totally original. i'd rather hear that than the average, "will you marry me?"