By mandy - 05/09/2009 02:19 - United States

Today, I went out with my family and boyfriend for dinner. We were all having a good time, and suddenly at the end of dinner he decides to kneel down on one knee, take out an engagement ring, and say "I choose you, Pikachu," with a straight face. He was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 586
You deserved it 88

Top comments

ciaobella_fml 0

Aw thats so cute, did you say yes?


How is this an FML? BAWWWWWWWW my boyfriend has a sense of humor BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Ironically, it's OP that needs to grow up.

so awesome, honestly going to do this some day

Is anyone here but me tired of these "I can't take a joke, FML" posts? Seriously. Assuming you said yes, I think your now fiance is kind of awesome for doing this. I don't understand why you're whining about it.

Hydra_fml 0

Man alive, that's an amazing proposal. You fail for not being an epic enough fiancee.

why is your life ****** because of this if he liked to dress up like bulbasaur and have sex with you then maybe

Ha-ha, I lol'd (I really did). But really, that's not a FML IMO. It's just a funny way to propose.

it's not an FML. I think it's really cute. Just get a sense of humor.

Linka_fml 0

It might be because I'm a nerd and all, but I found that adorable. BUUUT, if you aren't into that, that is a little ehhh...

Jennydew 0

OP, how is this an FML? You have a guy who, despite being a little nerdy, came up with a cute way to prepose to you! What's wrong with that?!