By Anonymous - 20/03/2013 17:38 - United States - Kalamazoo

Today, I went out to Applebees with a girl I like and a group of friends. Someone asked if the girl and I were dating. She instantly replied with a bit of disgust "What? No way, never!" It would have been nice to know before paying for the last ten or so dates we went on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 337
You deserved it 5 673

Iceman226 tells us more.

The dates were actual dates, she knew it. We had cuddle and make-out sessions as well. After that night I talked with her on where things were going. Turns out she still has feelings for her Ex overseas (there in a complicated relationship so technically it's not even her Ex) and she was just using me because she got "lonely." I'll admit that I deserved some of what I got as I was ignorant and blinded but it still sucks. Oh, haha, she says I'm one of her best friends and she still wants to be friends. Seriously FML

Top comments

It's hard to know whether this is a YDI or not depending on circumstances. On these ten "dates", did she give you reason to believe you're more than friends? If so, then yeah, FYL.

chelsearenaeee 16


No matter what, she's a bitch for not offering to pay for her food if you were "just friends." She just wants the free eats. It happens. FYL

Why would you take her to dinner 10 times in the first place? Should of stepped it up a level brah

Applebee's, lol. How many skillets will it take, damnit!

She must think you are gay mate, if you are not getting any action at all by date two then move on or just be friends and split the bill!

3rdbass 9

Sings the guy who found his rock of love in a matter of 3 months and got owned by a stage prop.

BenderJ_fml 5

Leykis 101 - If it's more than 3 dates or spent more than $40, and you're still not getting any, it's time to move on. Learn it. Live it.

The girl you're dating doesn't have to put out because you went on 3 dates with her. The smart ones don't put out until after the 3rd date to see which guys are going to stick around because they're actually interested in being with her and which ones are douchebags that're a waste of time and just wanted to get in her pants. I guess we all know which one you are. Btw, $40 is the equivalent of a cheap hooker, I suggest you target girls that're either desperate or have low self esteem. If you don't already ofc.

77, that's not how dating works. Girls aren't worth those cheap dinners. They aren't prostitutes you can buy with cash. If they have any class they don't give in to man-****** who buy them dinner expecting something in return. We have the choice whether we should take it any further or not. Assholes like that made me dread going on dates, it made me feel trashy just being on that pathetic date. A dinner in exchange for a ********, no.

Well looks you didn't lose much anyway. She seems shallow and nasty to put you down like that in front of everyone. Guys you should not always be paying for a girl (and I am a girl). When I started to go out with the man I am about to marry, we shared the bills, as in I would invite him or he would invite me. I never expected a man to pay for me. It's interesting that so many girls are so much into the strong, independent woman concept but except to have the man they're dating paying for everything, otherwise the poor guy is branded as a cheapo. I think it's pretty unfair.

OP- she's just shy and doesn't want to admit how head over heels she is for you. Think that and you'll soon feel better, even though it's probably wrong and she's likely using you.... Lie to yourself often enough and you'll soon believe it and feel great!!