By Cat Piss - 15/12/2013 16:58 - United States - Lavon

Today, I was woken up to the sound of my cat peeing on the pillow next to mine. When I yelled at him, he jumped over my face and off the bed. He was still peeing the entire time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 674
You deserved it 6 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That's what you get for having a cat. Dogs don't do that.

Animals actually don't do anything out of spite. Maybe you should clean the cat box more often or there is a territorial issue..? Definitely a weird place to pee.

One of my cats peed on my feet while I was sleeping in bed. It about destroyed my comforter. Hopefully they don't imitate yours and upgrade to peeing on my pillows.

adam_tajyar 10

U might want to make sure ur cat is properly potty trained

Clean your cats litter box more often and this wouldn't happen

middlenamefrank 8

First question: When was the last time you cleaned out the litter box? Would YOU want to have to pee in something that looked like yours does? Second question: When was the last time the vet had a look at kitty? Obviously, if you couldn't talk, you'd have limited ways to tell someone when you were feeling ill. Very often with cats, and dogs too, the first sign of illness is abnormal toilet behavior. So take kitty in for a checkup, and keep the litter box clean. Responsible pet ownership keeps both the pet and the household happy and healthy.

Stop yelling and take the poor thing to the vet. My cat did that once. When she had a UTI.