By spiderhater - 12/04/2009 18:11 - United States

Today, I was with my girlfriend in her room. She starts screaming. Her father bursts in and, thinking I'm some kind of rapist, hits me in the head with a baseball bat. Not bad enough? I wasn't the one making her scream. There was a huge spider on the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 106 782
You deserved it 5 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aera_fml 0

Argh. I hate spiders SO much. I usually am the one people go to, though. Anyways, her father obviously doesn't trust you much. Poor you. ~_~


teh_ass 0

You deserved it for getting a girlfriend that's scared of spiders. And why didn't you kill it before she started screaming her head off? I bet you sneaked in as well. FAIL.

TryToBeKind 0

For future reference, since it wouldn't be fair to dump her b/c of her daddy: I would stay out of your gf's room if she lives with her parents - at least in their line of sight and earshot. Help them out with shit around the house (cleaning/fixing etc - wahtever you can offer). For now: a) are you a minor? That would be battery on his part and it's worse if you're a minor b) at any rate, in his house he should be paying for that, I hope he has good insurance; if you aimed to hurt him, I could see self-defense but you didn't. Just wondering: if Daddy didn't know who you were, how were you in his house if he's that concerned? a) he should have been paying more attention to who was in his house and daughter's room and b) please get to know your future s.o.'s family before you're alone with him/her, OK?

#32- yup that's why locks were invented, good point indeed. All I'm saying is that I'm getting tired of the "Me and my g/bf were in my room. Then my parent walked in." FML's. Even when i occasionally moderate i find more original stories.

The poster didnt say they were having sex

tiltwrestler 0

YDI for not porking your girlfriend when you guys are in the bedroom When is the world going to realize that nice guys finish last... and sometimes get giant welts on their head from baseball bats? Tsk, tsk

Um, why is everyone thinking things that aren't said? Here's what I got: I was with my girlfriend in her room. (No sex or other things are mentioned.) She starts screaming. Her dad--knowing the boyfriend is in her room and not knowing him all that well and also being protective of his kid--bursts in and whacks whoever is in the room that isn't his daughter. Stupid, yes, of people to hit first and ask questions later. The OP isn't at fault here, and I don't think he was being bad.

magoojr09 0

Hey I moderated this one, and yea that sucks

caramelfinger 0

that was the spider's plan all along... lol

Today, I was surprised by a spider on the wall. I started screaming because I've had really bad experiences with spiders. Then my dad came in and bashed my boyfriend's head in with a bat. Still not sure why. FHL

I love how we all pick over these things, ah what technology has done to us