By spiderhater - 12/04/2009 18:11 - United States

Today, I was with my girlfriend in her room. She starts screaming. Her father bursts in and, thinking I'm some kind of rapist, hits me in the head with a baseball bat. Not bad enough? I wasn't the one making her scream. There was a huge spider on the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 106 782
You deserved it 5 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aera_fml 0

Argh. I hate spiders SO much. I usually am the one people go to, though. Anyways, her father obviously doesn't trust you much. Poor you. ~_~


kayscrila 0

To be fair she was prolly screamin somethin to the effect of "Get HIM away from me!!" and the father assumed the bf was the "him" she was talkin about

#20 Parents don't have a legal right to do anything if their children are having sex; it's a natural and special thing, and is one of the deepest bonds 2 people can share. Regardless, OP needs to get an apology from the father and the gf.

Get a new gf. She sounds pretty whacked in the head herself if she reacts that way to a spider, and you won't be getting any from her anyway with that dad. #23 - they can ground her, they just can't beat him in the head with a bat.

I would've congratulated you if the story would've ended with it being you. But that just sucks lol

i would beat the shit out of her dad for that

no offense but that is preety funny. if i was you i probably would be mad at the moment but laugh everytime i think about it. over protective father i guess lol surprised you could even be alone with her in the room

Beven 0

Are you serious? A bat to the head!? That could kill someone, I'd hope for an apology of some sort, also I'd never go over there again. also, #20 sex wasn't mentioned.

Today I was on this girl's wall and she sees me and starts screaming. Her dad runs in and hits her boyfriend with a bat. I laughed. FHL.

UnCensoredBitch 0

I just have to roll my eyes at this one! #20 is right. Stop having sex when parents are home! If you are going to do it learn to lock the door!