By freedomofmusic - 14/11/2010 18:54 - United States

Today, I was walking back to campus with my boyfriend when we passed an Irish pub called "Fat Belly's." He put his arm around me, patted my stomach, and said "Yay! It's your restaurant!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 224
You deserved it 7 028

freedomofmusic tells us more.

Hi, I'm the OP. 5'10" and 130lbs... is that fat? Cause that's me. Sure, he was joking, but it still hurt.

Top comments

Remember darlings: Not everyone can take a joke, especially if they have insecurities about their appearance.

I don't see why you girls put up (or put out) for guys like that who keep your self-esteem checked. if you think it's funny, then it's Moran XML and if he's hurting your feelings then your relationship isn't very good with him.


theres a pub in my town called "Big Dicks" I am not lying.

Some people can be so inconsiderate...

Pb25797051 0
Pocahontas22_fml 0

you don't like fatties?? your an asshole.

Time to a) dump your boyfriend, and b) if you're uncomfortable with your weight, start exercising for 30 minutes at least 5 times week. Then find someone who doesn't care whether or not you might not be a total stick person. Different guys like different body types, after all!

Yeah, she should dump her boyfriend because she can't take a joke... Though he's probably better off without her if she is too self-conscious to laugh a little in life. Also, don't tell me that some people are sensitive about things like that and that he should have been considerate. If she feels that way then she should politely tell him that she knows he's trying to be funny but that she's not comfortable with jokes like that. Relationships take communication and if she's not willing to communicate her feelings then she has no business in one anyway. No need to be so drastic about a passing joke/comment.

He wasn't necessarily joking...And even if he was, guys should usually know that girls are sensitive about jokes picking on their appearance, anyway. Just because it's a joke doesn't always mean it's okay.

Don't try to justify being fat as ok, like it's not an illness

Ah your boyfriend was joking :) There is a little truth behind every just kidding, so he may really want you to lose a few but at least he joked about your belly to you instead of telling everyone how "fat" you are :)

Though I mostly agree with your comment there isn't necessarily truth in the comment. I joke with my girlfriend at times about her stomach, which is truly not fat at all. I think it's perfect, but she is self-conscious about it. I generally make the jokes to ironically spotlight her insecurity. I try to make it quite clear that I'm not serious and tell her often how much I actually like it.

boringday123 7

you should feel very lucky if your bf loves you enough to compare you to an IRISH anything let alone an Irish pub he must love you a LOT