By missedfistbump - 20/03/2013 14:31 - United States

Today, I was talking to my boss and he said I was awesome. He went to fist bump me and I missed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 623
You deserved it 8 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So we went from a handshake in the 70's to a high-five in the 80's to a fist bump now. What the hell is next? "Hey, great job!" *grabs ankles*


No you're not dude, don't lie. But seriously, how bad is your hand-eye coordination that you completely missed? Sounds like you've let half of your life go by without doing much to practice your HIC.

olpally 32

How do you miss a fist bump?? Come on, man! Lol. I'm so disappointed in you!

advent2060 4

Lol naw ur still awesome cuz this fml is awesome since it sounds like u turned a fist bump into a face punch! Very awesome I woulda loved to see that in action haha

How you managed to type an entire paragraph with only one bit of punctuation is beyond me. Punctuation, it seems, is beyond you.

Sadly, OP, this severely diminishes your awesomeness in your boss's eyes forever on all fronts.... You may be able to rebound from this, though, if you don't miss again when offered another fist-bump opportunity. One, you can come back from. Two? Never!

username win!! btw try being awesomer-er!!

Obey_StudBoii 23

Awesomeness level down the drain.

Thr33to16 8

And then you come online to bitch. Op is what is wrong with the world.

Bro, no one cares. You missed a fist bump. Congratulations.

The fact that you are so upset about a missed fist bump is quite frightening ... Just sayin

TorisaurusRexxx 10

Please tell me you didn't punch him...