By mrmr - 07/02/2010 18:32 - United States

Today, I was taking a shower and the glass sliding door was jammed. I tugged it, and it shattered all over me. I was naked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 530
You deserved it 3 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You were naked while taking a shower? No ******' way.

AngryNinja 1

ow. that made me hurt just thinking about it.


tommybth 0

I bet your russian, Mr. Cutyourcockoff!!

That would make a great porno. You should look into it. Jk, sucks for you. But it.

Are you serious? Who DOESN'T shower naked? What, you shower with a bathing suit?

stargold 0

why were u taking a shower naked?

reality1A 0

Happened to me too but I didn't touch the door, it just broke for no reason. Cut my achilles tendon and a year later I stoped limping.

YDI for being naked in the shower lol

SeaNDouble 1

agree with #155 hahahaha I was thinking the exact same thing! redundant mentioning you were naked in the shower lol

YOU WERE NAKED?! thats so weird y werent you wearing a bathing suit!? loving sarcasm. not cruel sarcasm.

I think he means he the glass shattered all over his penis or something.