By Noname - 21/02/2009 07:34 - United States

Today, I was stuck in what I thought was traffic on my way home from work. I started weaving in and out of traffic because it seemed to only be a few cars holding up the line. I get to the front of the line and I'd realized I just weaved through a funeral procession. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 120
You deserved it 58 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't understand how driving absurdly slowly honors someone or their death. It's a practice I've always found to be completely strange.

Easy to do depending. Looking at some of the comments they're dealt with differently in different places. Around here - there's no stickers, no hazards.. just expected to guess I think.. or look for a hearse at the front of a line of cars ;)


AkanishiSan 0

omg...FYL indeed. I think it's a rather dumb practice to drive super slow in public roads...don't get me wrong. I do believe the dead should get honored. just not honored by being a road hazard by going 2mph...

Biohazard808 0

thanks, now i can add this to my many reasons of why women are terrible drivers

Ydi for thinking your life is effed. THE OTHER GUY IS DEAD FOR PETES SAKE!!

that happened when my grandpa died. people kept driving in front of us and through the middle of our pretty long line of cats.

People did that at funeral recessions for 2 of my cousins. People where I'm from are blatantly rude. OP should have been paying attention >=O

delfino1604 24
MoutainDrewski 0

I've been there, I was turning into the street from a side road I thought it was just a long line of cars staying on the side cause the bike cops were trying to get through lol, I even merged my way into the line, halfway to my turn I realize what I just did and look in my rear view to see a really pissed off dude behind me