By AylaMarie92 - 21/07/2014 21:04 - Canada - Hopkins Landing

Today, I was scrubbing the bloody aftermath of a successful mouse trap off of my stove with an old toothbrush. After a few good scrubs, out of habit I put the toothbrush in my mouth while I turned on the water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 111
You deserved it 48 381

AylaMarie92 tells us more.

AylaMarie92 18

OP here. I definitely threw away the toothbrush after this, and brushed my teeth with a brand new, mouse-free toothbrush for about 2 hours straight, and listerine listerine listerine o.o I keep my old toothbrushes around for such occasions when there's a hard to reach, disgusting mess to deal with such as this one XD Thanks for all your comments, I've had my tetanus shot lmao, still going to get checked out by a doctor ASAP

Top comments

3mi1y_ 16
mentallizzard 19


That's why there is such a thing called disinfectant wipes.

Why would someone brush their teeth with disinfecting wipes? O_o ...Oh.

moocow398 6

Ewe. This one actually made me gag

Fact_Hacked 7
sandman2118 10

Make sure you go an see a doctor

you should probably get yourself tested for some diseases.

I seriously got a little bit nauseous reading this fml. I hope you're okay though OP.

...and thats how the zombie apocalypse started

Jellysweetheart 23

Aw that sucks :( Sounds like something I would do though