By bridezilla - 05/07/2009 04:12 - Canada

Today, I was on a train when an old man standing next to me very obviously checked me out, caught my eye, and winked. He spent the next five minutes rubbing his penis against my leg. When I turned to tell him off, the train lurched, and the old man fell face first into my breasts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 482
You deserved it 6 852

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tunacansam 0

you didn't deserve it, you wanted it 5 minutes?

Ewww. What a freak. You should slapped him and pushed him into the metal bars.


little_mermaid_fml 0

haahahahahaha this made my day.

BrookieTheBAMF 0

Wait...You waited five minutes to address this? ... Wow. YDI and FYL.

kyasariin 0

I'm pretty sure this is made up. Just saying. If this really happened, or you really wanted him away, you coulda punched him in the balls, and got up.

you should of kneed him in the balls and walked away to another seat.

jumpman3000 0
michelle142000 0

why did u allow him to rub his penis on ur leg for 5 minutes!!

ydi. you should have yelled at that ducker five minutes ago .