By dumbass1991 - 12/12/2010 19:36 - United States

Today, I was messing around on my laptop by drawing on the screen with a marker pen. When it came time to clean it off, it wouldn't budge. Now I have a full beard and mustache etched permanently on my computer screen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 137
You deserved it 121 814

Same thing different taste


WickedPixie 0
AreYouRetarded 4

Haha really? Are you retarded?

damian25 0

alcohal nail polish remover gets rid of permanent marker really well.

obviously people who are stupid enough to make the same mistake thought "awww i HATE it when that happens" and said FYL :)

Jackass. I hate everything about you. Please do us all a favor and die before you reproduce and bring more of your kind into existence. What the fcuk did your laptop do to you?

xXBlAcKxWiDoWXx 0

Would you happen to be a five-year-old?

TropicalTulipz 0

dumbass...thats soooo retarded!!

use fingernail polish remover. IT WORKS!!! I did the same thing.