By JuniorDetective - 07/05/2009 16:52 - United States

Today, I was in the middle of walking home when I saw an old woman trying to get away from what looked like a mugger. I go over and try to help her out and get the man off of her, which was successful. Turns out she was having a heart attack and the man was a doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 418
You deserved it 17 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you nearly killed a woman trying to save her? ...Good job.

Kalofinator 0

Damn, that sucks. That's what you get for trying to be helpful.


soscrewed12 0

#12: Usually, when a doctor is helping a patient suffering from a heart attack on the street, he will put their hands on their chest and start pushing, using a lot of force. If you saw a random guy using a lot of force on a random (and defenseless) girl, you would probably assume that the guy (whose profession is unknown to you) is mugging the girl.

fmlbeast 0


average_girl 0

umm i dont think a doctor would look like a mugger...

CourtneeMalakian 0

heres a lesson to learn: just leave

freakinsweet 1

hahaha @ ihateyouall's comments i concur with #23 this is TOTAL BS!

DukBudr 0

why would you ever get involved with a mugger?!?!

You are either a f***ing liar or retarded.

Icalasari 0

=/ Don't victims normally scream for help? I HATE having to do this, but YDI for going straight for the emotional response instead of thinking for a second. Besides, I am pretty sure that a mugging victim would fight back unless they are dead =/

The only way this could make some sense is if she started exhibiting the symptoms--clutching her chest, wobbling, etc.--and the doctor had grabbed her by the arms to steady her and either sit her down to call an ambulance or help her inside somewhere. That could feasibly look like a mugging in action. @22, CPR is performed with the patient on their back on the ground; I'm not sure what kind of muggings involve knocking people over and obviously performing chest compressions, but I think they usually involve standing and bullying people into giving you their money. If it's true, kudos for trying to be a good samaritan when so many people just ignore everything. If it's not, Fail.