By Anonymous - 01/01/2010 07:11 - United States

Today, I was forced to spend New Years Eve with my strict/conservative parents in the middle of nowhere in Illinois. If I had nothing else, I looked forward to watching the ball drop in NYC. As the seconds counted down the T.V. shut off. Parental controls shut down cable at midnight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 295
You deserved it 2 876

Same thing different taste

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Nowhere is in Kansas. and you can watch the ball drop's not the same, but...Happy New Year anyway?

what's the parental control code? i bet it's 0000 mwahahaha...


ipwnallmen 10

ouch. some parents just dont understand or are jsut very paranoid. hopefully your friends taped it and you can watch it there.

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Yay #2, you fail. Congratulaions :D now go and get a life instead of trying to be first. And OP...that sucks, try standing up for yourself. Depending on how old you are. If you're younger than 15, then don't bother. Older that 15, tell them where to shove their parental controls.

Don't feel too sorry for her considering NYC is an hour ahead of IL so it would be at 11. Nice try but I live in Illinois and I watched that one. It was quite nice.

retard. they show it every hour so each time zone gets it.

ipwnallmen 10

lol, poor miki! and she's maybe 12-14, or maybe 10-11 O.o''''

FYL!! I spent my parents are nearly as bad, they didn't let me watch tv after midnight too until I stuck up for myself a few months ago. I'm 16

gr8nothingness 0

try celebrating when the cell door locks you in at midnight. u should be so lucky to spend it with ppl who love you not someone who might take ur ass!

You're a dumb-ass. The ball drop is recorded at midnight in NYC and is replayed in every time zone at midnight. What kind of sense does that make otherwise?

I live in the central time zone as well and for as long as I can remember the ball drop has always been broadcast at 11:00.

Well, that's a bit harsh. I go to school in the city and went home for break. I knew I wasn't going to have a good time being home, but I valued family above fun. I still watched the Times Square celebration live via Hulu though.