By TMI - 20/04/2009 17:12 - United States

Today, I was emailing my professor about what chapters our test is on this afternoon. She accidentally emailed me informing me of the date she went on last night, including that she "got laid... yay!!" and a picture. I still don't know what chapters I'm being tested on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 113 381
You deserved it 7 057

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pretty sure that's more of a FHL. And with that information on her, I really don't think you need to be studying.

adelaide_evening 0

Are you kidding me? It doesn't matter what chapters you're getting tested on, you have blackmail! Don't even do the test. Instead, write a short answer question summarizing the events of her night and how students hearing about their teachers sex lives is traumatizing and will require extensive therapy.


RoqueSand 0

Ahahahahahaha, that's an awkward turtle moment

Ricky_rubio121 0

every1 is over looking one thing. is your professor hot?

mini_munny 0

#54 (poolshark) - Thank you! I thought I was the only one who noticed the fact that the OP waits 'til the day of the freakin' exam to ask what exactly is gonna be covered on the exam... good job OP! And the professor might have sent that kind of email to make it seem like a mistake, but she just didn't wanna come off as a bitch and found another way to avoid answering your question... haha sucker!

poolshark 0

Oh good, my comment that wouldn't show up magically appeared (and it looks like I am not the only one). FML is on the ball today.

like_yea 0

that's what you get for waiting til the last minute =)

this is one of the funniest FMLs I have ever read hahaha

LMAO. thats hilarious and disturbing


#39, if the picture is of his/her teacher getting ******, as it seems to be, then please tell me what kind of dumbass will risk their job to send **** of themselves to a student?