By Delanto - 06/02/2014 16:54 - United States

Today, I was driving along when I noticed a kid struggling to push his car up the crest of a hill. I jumped out to help him, and he acted surprised to see me. Once we got the car over the hill, it rolled on down. I then saw that no one was actually in the driver's seat. I'd helped a vandal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 416
You deserved it 8 481

Delanto tells us more.

Oh, trust me...the teen wasn't the owner. He didn't even look at me after the car rolled away, he just jogged off. The car luckily jumped a curb down the road and was stopped by a tree. I did phone the sheriff's department, the deputy took my info and the description of the teen. Haven't heard anything else about it nor did I see the owner (luckily).

Top comments

Well you didn't know...props for the help though you'll find the right time when the help is actually needed..

Just sing the jingle: "Like a good neighbor..."


I don't think he was trying to steal the car. Just damage it

I think you need to reread the FML. OP says they helped a vandal.

Maybe he wasn't a vandal. What if he just wasn't in the driver seat of his own car?

Twisted_Angel 17

I wondered that at first, but why would you push your car up a hill, knowing there's no way to stop it on the other side? I guess bad planning?

Seeing as it doesn't state what happened afterwards we can't assume anything.

That's a possibility if the kid was alone and was trying to push a stalled car. Hopefully that's the case, OP.

Alan the OP calling the kid a vandal is not definitive proof that he was a vandal. The OP doesn't state that after the kid took off running or anything. Just that he noticed no one was in the driver seat. A fact which would still kind of make sense if the kid started off alone in the car and just had piss poor planning skills. He knew he needed the car to move, he didn't remember needing it to stop. His supposed surprise to see the OP could have just been that he was surprised someone stopped to help. He could have been passed by ten other people prior to that and just been shocked when the eleventh person didn't just drive by pointing and laughing. Without the OP providing more details how are we to truly know that the OP didn't just misinterpret an idiot's bad planning skills as vandalism?

Twisted_Angel 17

I hope your fingerprints aren't on the car... you may want to call the cops and let them know where the car is, and what happened.

If it's a Ford, there may be hundreds of people's finger prints on the boot lid, they do break down often.

JMichael 25

You were just trying to be a good citizen OP. You couldn't have know he was a vandal.

Mysterious_one 26

oh boy.. some one will find it hard to sleep at night.. YOU

What exactly led you to believe he was a vandal? Even if it was his car, if he was alone he had no choice but to push it with no one in the driver's seat...

Obviously he would know whether or not the guy was a vandal based on his reaction when the car rolled down the hill. If he thought it was funny, or had no reaction, he was a vandal. If he reacted with horror, he wasn't. Considering OP said he helped a vandal, I think he makes it clear which type of reaction this guy had. OP, you should've just called the police...

I've reacted to situation which are very bad for me with extreme laughter just because of the absurdity of the situation. If you don't know a person's usual reactions to things, you aren't really in a place to judge their reactions as proof of anything. He could have just stood there staring after it not moving and that could be shock just as easily as it can be not caring. Hell it could also be his car but he's pulling an insurance scam. The OP just can't really know unless they give us more detail.

well that really stinks...are you positive he wasn't the owner of the car? maybe he was...

Oh, trust me...the teen wasn't the owner. He didn't even look at me after the car rolled away, he just jogged off. The car luckily jumped a curb down the road and was stopped by a tree. I did phone the sheriff's department, the deputy took my info and the description of the teen. Haven't heard anything else about it nor did I see the owner (luckily).

Either way, this FML is pretty funny hahaha

You just earned yourself some street cred

Be thankful he didn't steal your car while you were pushing his.

You did a bad thing helping home but you also did a good calling the sheriffs department.

Agree - that excuse won't hold up in court.

RandomHavoc1 13

Pretty sure it is. "I didn't know it wasn't his car!!" "Well, next time don't try to be a good Samaritan without learning how to read minds first." Makes total sense, right?

than i guess you can use it fpr bein an idiot darn

There's no way you could have known, don't blame yourself. The best thing you can do now (if you haven't already) is report to the police and describe everything you can about the kid and the car