By Anonymous - 27/06/2013 16:58 - Finland - Nykarleby

Today, I was diagnosed with strep throat. My mom wasted no time accusing me of whoring around and claiming that most people get strep from performing oral sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 225
You deserved it 3 374

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AbstraktThoughts 13

Was she speaking from experience? ;)

xXHollowIchigoXx 17

Cough on your mothers food. Then accuse her of whoring around. Just for laughs though.


MrsThoma88 5

Someone is uneducated... Strep throat sucks. hope you feel better.

Yeah, you can get strep throat from oral just like you can get aids from a toliet seat...

Sounds like she is talking from experience? I mean come on, her mother would not point such a thing out without any prior knowledge of such things right?

Stupid ******* ignorant people these days!

Did you tell that **** that strep throat is caused by a virus?

OP should not tell her mother strep is a virus because its actually a bacteria, and she should not sound as ignorant as her mother. Anyways, viruses can still be passed through sexual contact, so your comment is irrelevant to begin with.

I think she might be remembering mononucleosis, which was known as the kissing disease. But you can get it from sharing a soda with someone, or any exchange of saliva. It's a strain of herpes, and stays in the body for life, but you're only contagious for about the first nine months. It's terrible and completely painful, but it's just another thing. I'd rather have mono than HERPES-herpes. And since pretty much everyone has at least one strain before they die, I'd choose that over cold sores around in inside my mouth, or nasty shit you-know-where...

mrslewis 16

Sorry op but your mom is dumb... Strep throat usually comes from young children...

sadday_09 4

Yes, young children usually get it more often, but teens and adults can get it too. It's a virus spread from sharing drinks or kissing someone contagious

Actually performing oral makes your sore throat feel better.