By Anonymous - 12/04/2012 18:31 - United States - Rock Island

Today, I was at a party, when the cops busted us. Since I'm underage, I hid behind a chair for an hour and a half while they breathalyzed everyone and sat them in the same room I was in. The cops left, everyone realized I was behind the chair, and now my nickname is "Anne Frank". FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 990
You deserved it 39 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

compasseagle89 8

I'm sick and tired of holocaust jokes, Anne Frankly I won't put up with them anymore.


Cops breathalyze people in a private home?!

shutyourmouth12Z 7

first of all what is an underaged person doing at a party on thursday?

Assume they're in college. There probably isn't class on Friday.

Hey at least now when people ask why someone called you that its because you're smarter than everyone at that party

cuddlebunny3548 11

You did what you had to do :P

I really do not understand how this is an fml... Oh no I DIDN'T get caught by the police, f my life!!

shutyourmouth12Z 7

first of all what is an underaged person doing at a party on thursday?

Consider yourself lucky they gave you a nickname rather than turning you in to be in their situation. After all, if they all knew you were there, someone could have easily tipped off a cop.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

You just made my day. :) Glad you didn't get arrested.

It would be even funnier if you were Jewish