By sorryyouweregone - 25/03/2013 13:13 - Japan - Tokyo

Today, I was at a goodbye dinner with friends before I move back to America. A friend called to cry over relationship problems she refuses to fix. While I was outside trying to politely get off the phone, my friends ate and drank everything I'd ordered and closed the bill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 271
You deserved it 6 191

Same thing different taste

Top comments

twaumat 28

wow, those are some crappy friends...

Aspen_Grace33 27

Be glad you are moving if those are the kind of people you will be leaving behind!


There's a button on your phone, it's red & says end! Just push it next time! I do it all the time & blame it on my phone messing up!

Reality_bites 14

I'm wondering why the friend was calling. I mean why weren't they at the dinner too?

fksfsdhfsdfh 26

Are you sure they were "friends"?

That is why you should not travel overseas, we have enough inconsiderate assholes in the good old USA.

Sorry I voted YDI. You shouldn't have been rude and answered your phone while at a dinner. It could have waited.

Well, at least you know, that they weren't your friends

It will certainly be a goodby party to remember (if not for the right reason).

Grow a set. Your friends give you a lovely going away party and you spend the time one the phone with a whiner? What a spineless ungrateful wimp you are. And now you complain? Good riddance to you!!