By Ameel - 12/04/2012 18:49 - Australia - Ballarat

Today, I tried to convince my daughter that the "To boldly go where no man has gone before" speech is from Star Trek, and is not an actual historical speech by the first man on the moon. She has decided to include it in her university essay on Neil Armstrong anyway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 874
You deserved it 3 425

Ameel_fml tells us more.

It's from the original series. Not one of the films. /nerd

Top comments

When I read the first half sentence I swear this was going to be about sex. Ahwell. Either way, your daughter doesnt seem very smart...


skyeyez9 24

Technically, Neil Armstrong did go boldly where no Man has gone before. Maybe the teacher will assume she put the quote in as humor?

University? Really? Clown university? Gosh... That is just sad...

How is the new generation suppose to know about Star Trek? I guess you can't really blame her for it.

They should know. Because they are The Next Generation.

Hiphuray4peas 27

I think appealing to Star Trek nerd at a University is a good idea. Hopefully she put it in quotes and didn't take credit for the words herself.

im lovin ur daughter's sense of humer! hahaha

aceangel6 4

So parents just pretend to be stupid? Maybe she is pretending as well.

This is why they have the ''No child left behind'' act. She'll still get an A

If you're trying to help your daughter write a college paper, chances are she's in community college, and YDI for fooling yourself into thinking she's capable of academic achievement. If she's not living at home, then FYL that she's calling home for this point, she should be able to do her own homework.