By Me - 27/09/2015 09:53 - Australia

Today, I tried taking a shortcut through a nature trail, hoping to save myself some time getting back to my car. I ended up getting lost for nearly 3 hours and getting to work nearly 2 hours late. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 163
You deserved it 12 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Try exploring "shortcuts" when you're not pressed for time. YDI.

Don't most people have smartphones nowadays? They're great GPS's.


Shortcuts are ironically named, because they ALWAYS end up taking longer! YDI for taking a shortcut when you weren't sure of the route.

That's because you r a try hard everyone hates try hards

Trails are there for this specific reason, thankfully you're not hurt!

My only question is why were you on a nature trail before work?

Did anyone else thought of the movie Gerry when they read this? THE HORROR!!!