By MsMedea - 11/08/2015 12:02 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I took the lid off my slow cooker to serve up a casserole that had been 12 hours in the making. A cockroach took the opportunity to dive in. My husband and I are now eating toast, while the delicious smell of casserole taunts us from the trash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 012
You deserved it 4 522

MsMedea tells us more.

Hi, OP here, to answer your question, the slow cooker was sitting on the bench, underneath a shelf in our kitchen. As I took the lid off, the roach came from above, literally jumping into the pot! So I definitely did not see it before I took the lid off!

Top comments

1dvs_bstd 41

Here's a cockroach trivia for you, OP. When you see a cockroach, it is most certainly not alone. Who you gonna call?! The exterminators. You should call the exterminators.

Aren't you a tad bit concerned that there are **** roaches in your house??


hey op, spray cypress essential pull, tea tree eo, peppermint all mixed in water. it will repel **** roaches, spiders, mice and an assortment of other bugs. I moved into an apartment that was infested with brown recluse and didn't want to wait for the complex to get off their butts to come spray. all research pointed to this mix. it works amazing

Wasting food because of a single goddamn roach, I get that bugs, especially roaches are disgusting. But what you did is even worse, in my opinion.

You seriously threw out pounds of food because a bug was on it? First world problems...

fumanshu 9

I live on an island and there are cockroaches and ants everywhere, like you wouldn't believe. We don't even get bothered when we see them. There are pancakes that have some ants that got in then, but it doesn't even matter. Just eat the pancake anyway. Just take out the cockroach from the crockpot, and maybe spoon out where it touched if you like. But throwing away all that food is awful! Most countries eat bugs anyway, except for the Americans

the cockroaches in America carry life threatening diseases. besides, she is in Australia. so America has nothing to do with this fml

Are there actually any places that eat cockroaches? Worms, crickets, ants I've heard of but not roaches.

tre007 8

You should have invite your neighbours over for a taste.

did you know cockroaches run away and clean themselves if touched by humans? cockroaches aren't normally dirty or germy insects, especially not the ones living in homes. they get that reputation from the millions of cockroaches that infest bat guano in caves.

except they carry mrsa.... but that's ok... besides that, their shedding, lost legs and general dust cause serious breathing problems in mammals and can kill children over a long period of time.