By MsMedea - 11/08/2015 12:02 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I took the lid off my slow cooker to serve up a casserole that had been 12 hours in the making. A cockroach took the opportunity to dive in. My husband and I are now eating toast, while the delicious smell of casserole taunts us from the trash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 012
You deserved it 4 522

MsMedea tells us more.

Hi, OP here, to answer your question, the slow cooker was sitting on the bench, underneath a shelf in our kitchen. As I took the lid off, the roach came from above, literally jumping into the pot! So I definitely did not see it before I took the lid off!

Top comments

1dvs_bstd 41

Here's a cockroach trivia for you, OP. When you see a cockroach, it is most certainly not alone. Who you gonna call?! The exterminators. You should call the exterminators.

Aren't you a tad bit concerned that there are **** roaches in your house??


Woah. YDI for throwing away perfectly good food.

First world problems! Honestly, it's not that big of a deal, fish that bad boy out and dine! I'm guessing everyone reading this has eaten without washing your hands before, and that's usually worse. Just saying.

Sounds like you either have an infestation or you have very shoddy household sanitation, although there is a third option covered after this paragraph. Cockroaches don't linger in houses if they don't have a steady supply of water and food because they are afraid of humans. They also see us as being as dirty as we see them. Make sure not to leave unsealed food laying around, take the garbage out every night or get an airtight container for it, wipe down counters and cooking areas every night with at least soap and water (bleach is best for counters, but don't use it on food prep areas), sweep the kitchen at least once a week (every night is best), mop at /least/ once a month(once a week is best) and don't leave soaps, oils, pet foods, fabrics, or other things laying out in the open. The third option is that they are coming in because of heat, rain, or cold. Keep windows and doors closed or have fine mesh installed to keep them out if you want to have them open. Check floor borders for sections that are missing or loose and replace them. Seal cracks around windows and door frames with caulk. Have someone look to see if they are getting in through the flooring or ventilation.

There are starving people out there and you're throwing away perfectly good food just because there was a bug in there. I assure you there are millions of other bugs in our food, they are just too small for us to see, so we don't care about them. Why would you care about that one? It's not like it's poisonous or something. You should have just scooped it out. It's not a big deal. People should stop being such neat freaks.

Cockroaches are serious vectors that carry all sorts of icky diseases that are lethal to humans. If your flour or sugar ever gets meal worms or ants you had better it because there are people starving and you don't want to be a hypocrite.

#28 #29 : Roaches like clean places (stop blaming neighbours) and especially ammonia that bleach contains ! That´s the better way to bring back even more cockroaches If you clean with that. Better solution: exterminators.

actually roaches like dirty places full of hiding places, cardboard and food. soda cans, crumbs, leaky sinks, pet food, poorly sealed food including rolled up potato chip bags are all calling cards for roaches. especially German cockroaches. they carry horrible diseases including methicillin resistant staph or MRSA. which can and is fatal in perfectly fit adults if not treated promptly. even when the initial infection is treated, infections can form anywhere on the infected individual without even the smallest abrasion. it is something that affects you the rest of your life. plus antibiotics work less every time you use them. your body and your infection becomes immune. roaches are no laughing matter and should not be taken lightly. (I am a carrier of MRSA)

NO. NO. NOPE. GOD. NO. I DESPISE roaches and absolutely do not blame you for throwing the food away. I'd have done the same. :/ That shit grosses me out! I live in an apartment building and we get sprayed once a month and yet I still, every once in awhile, find them in our bathroom. We must have dirty neighbors because I religiously clean.

Hi, OP here, to answer your question, the slow cooker was sitting on the bench, underneath a shelf in our kitchen. As I took the lid off, the roach came from above, literally jumping into the pot! So I definitely did not see it before I took the lid off!

BabyCakes818 16

So why throw out the whole pot?

Because roaches carry diseases. Do you honestly not see a problem with eating bug-infested food?

You should definitely get your house checked out by an exterminator. Cockroaches come in groups. Also, if the cockroach is fully cooked, it'll kill any germs in and on it, so it wouldn't be dangerous or anything.

You should've taken it to your nasty neighbors see what they would've thought.

I have no doubt they would have eaten it straight out of the bin, roach and all!!

You tossed all that for one roach? YDI for being a weakling.