By MsMedea - 11/08/2015 12:02 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I took the lid off my slow cooker to serve up a casserole that had been 12 hours in the making. A cockroach took the opportunity to dive in. My husband and I are now eating toast, while the delicious smell of casserole taunts us from the trash. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 012
You deserved it 4 522

MsMedea tells us more.

Hi, OP here, to answer your question, the slow cooker was sitting on the bench, underneath a shelf in our kitchen. As I took the lid off, the roach came from above, literally jumping into the pot! So I definitely did not see it before I took the lid off!

Top comments

1dvs_bstd 41

Here's a cockroach trivia for you, OP. When you see a cockroach, it is most certainly not alone. Who you gonna call?! The exterminators. You should call the exterminators.

Aren't you a tad bit concerned that there are **** roaches in your house??


Why'd you throw it out? Just take the bug out.

Obviously you didn't read all of OP's responses regarding why there are cockroaches!! Maybe you should before making your uncalled for statement!

I think the roach was most likely stunned by the steam and fell

Just eat it anyways just take the bug out first. Like wat #67 said

Diatomaceous Earth. Treat the whole house. Get roach traps. Done. They will go away.

I lived in a house that had German roaches and I powdered that house so much it looked like scarface sneezed in his stash of cocaine in my house. it works really well but the powder gets EVERYWHERE

Frillwee95 12

#46, it was a tunaroach casserole with extra protein. Op should have scooped the roach out though and just ate the tuna.

That wouldn't have ruined my appetite.

Yeah.. I wouldn't be eating anything in that house ever again. I would have been moved out about ten seconds after it happened. That's disgusting.

paravoz 30

Yummy, yummy, yummy, I've got bugs in my tummy

Despite what most people think, cockroaches are very clean insects. And 12 hours? Such a waste of food smh