By phuckbukket7 - 27/04/2014 22:08 - United States

Today, I took my girlfriend out to a fancy restaurant for her birthday. I'd arranged beforehand for some of the staff to come out and sing happy birthday to her, but it all backfired when she started panicking and had a serious anxiety attack from all the attention. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 665
You deserved it 8 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

christge1beast 17

At least you did something special for her birthday. Sorry it had to go wrong.

Obviously she knew it was for her birthday, don't you think?


superwoman32 10

I'm sorry that happened to you op. At least she didn't get up and walk out on you..

cheshireau 26

It's the thought that counts, mate. I'm sure she knows your intentions were good.

It's okay, OP! I was in the shower earlier and dropped my razor, the sudden noise had me go into a major anxiety attack..It happens..

tehdarkness 21

Unless this is a new relationship, surely you are aware of her social anxiety disorder?

aw I hope she's okay, and I'm sure she still thought it was sweet, OP.

i can relate. i have bad anxiety too. her anxiety attack was probably the equivelant to that of when people cry out of happiness. She was so happy that it freaked her out.

Lmao! My birthday is in 6 days and I sent this to my bf and told him his future self wrote this, as a hint to not do this to me.

Well at least your heart is in the right place:)

Axel5238 29

Nice gesture, but panic attacks frequently require an ER visit. At that point it doesn't matter too much if he meant well especially, if he knew she had anxiety problems.

Axel5238 29

They can, my gf has them and is prone to anxiety, had rush to the ER on friday because it was that bad. I'm not saying it happens frequently, but it does happen and be a concern.

If a person knows they get panic attacks, and can identify when they are having one, an ER visit is not necessary. I can't tell you how many nurses and doctors I've heard complaining about people coming to the ER with "just a panic attack." I get them myself, so I know they feel like you're dying, but I can recognize them, which usually stops them, ironically.

That really pisses me off the doctors and nurses at that hospital do that. I heard from a nurse doctors are suppose to bevunderstanding of people who have anxiety attacks. Because it literally is suppose to feel exactly the same as having a heart attack and a person can't tell the difference.

itcomesinthrees 10

Definitely does feel like some sort of health crisis and you can't control it. I get them every time I fly and I have to try very hard to hide it from the flight attendant so they don't worry I'm having a health crisis and make me de-plane. Usually I just get shaky, hands go numb, pain in chest and I pass out in my seat. Luckily there is no attention on me and people think I'm sleeping. I feel bad for OP's girlfriend, I'm sure she wishes she could have enjoyed his gesture.

Ooh that sucks and durin her birthday too,well hopefully it works out OP.