By jesifairy - 13/04/2012 04:46 - Australia

Today, I told my girlfriend that I would still care for her if she was a vegetable. She informed me that if I was a potato, she would cut me into chips. And fry me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 564
You deserved it 7 190

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Why would you tell your girlfriend that.....?

Lol xDDD your girlfriend is awesome xD

Do she know what a vegetable is? Or was she actually being serious? lmao

MaoKittyMaoMao 6

Well she's basically saying she would eat you and that she wants you inside her.

happysmartg 5

Too bad potatoes are a starch, and aren't even vegetables.

why doesn't anyone find it weird that he told his girlfriend he'd care for her if she were a vegetable ? I guess it's only me that that doesn't come up in my every day conversations..

_overandout_ 10

Hoping she was joking - if not, it might be time to run. She sounds a little nutty - no, scratch that - VERY nutty.