By gentileman - 16/03/2009 17:11 - United States

Today, I texted my college boyfriend to tell him how terrible I felt about cheating. He replied saying he was so relieved because he had been cheating on me with a girl in his dorm. I was talking about my math exam. FML
I agree, your life sucks 564
You deserved it 88

Top comments

LOL well atleast you know the truth now!~ and how can the OP deserve it??? idgi

bitchinstopshere 0


Cheat in one area of your life and get cheated in another I suppose? It sucks to be cheated on but I have no sympathy for cheaters you deserve it, karma's a bitch, people need to start taking school more seriosly and honestly- cheating just shows terrible character

Oh yeah and number eleven what the boyfriend did was wrong, the cheating, but he thought that's what she was texting him about in the first place, so I do t really blame hi. For that and plus if she did really feel bad about it why would she do it by text in he first place, if you're goi g to look at it like that

bbobe900000 0

that's what happens when you're a good citizen... lol jk but honestly I never feel guilty about cheating on tests, especially since I do shitty anyway but that sucks, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm assuming you *****PROCEEDED***** to break up with him? lol

lrez765 0

i feel lik hes goin to write a story on fml lik my girlfriend said she cheated so i said i cheated....she meant she cheated on her math im all lonely:)

Awe he isn't worth your time then babe!

marlonn_fml 0

what a major asshole. dumppp him! beat his ass!

stavesacregt 0

LOL...karma is a bitch huh?...jk that's terrible! But better now than later!

Lol... I'm sorry this funny had to happen at your expense.

blackbear6193 0

ok, when you tell a loved one you feel bad about cheating, regardless if ur in school still, most will think it has to do with cheating on them. if u need to confide in someone, call up a girlfriend and gab to her.

der_Jabberwhock 0

Karma's a bitch, ain't it? At least you know you can dump him.