By gentileman - 16/03/2009 17:11 - United States

Today, I texted my college boyfriend to tell him how terrible I felt about cheating. He replied saying he was so relieved because he had been cheating on me with a girl in his dorm. I was talking about my math exam. FML
I agree, your life sucks 564
You deserved it 88

Top comments

LOL well atleast you know the truth now!~ and how can the OP deserve it??? idgi

bitchinstopshere 0


bitca 0

Not so fast, #47. As righteous and correct as your CAPS try to be, she specifies that her boyfriend is in college. The only reason to do that is if she is still in high school. I gathered that she's still in high school and he's off at college, most likley why he's cheating in the first place. Long distance relationships don't last, especially those trying to survive that high school senior/freshmen in college period. And FML poster, maybe if you didn't worry and text him over little things like cheating on your math test, he wouldn't be shagging someone else. Chances are if you were feeling terrible over that, you aren't giving it up in the bedroom.

i don't understand why people would think she deserves this. people are looking way too deep into some of these FMLs -_-

For those who think that she should have specified which "cheating" she had done, wasn't it supposed to be known that she had exam(s) at that time if they were in relationship?

lol at least we now know a way to get ur mate to tell the truth =) always be optimistic

#7 ...that is so wrong, but so funny...

jillxoxo 0

what an asshole haha #7 thats pretty funny