By Laloose - 26/12/2008 07:53 - France

Today, I send a text message to my ex-boyfriend, who dumped me four months ago, telling him to come back. His answer: "feeling-wise I won't come back to you, but sexually, why not". FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 017
You deserved it 28 284

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thats disgusting. have some dignity woman, find a real man.

"Telling" him? It seems a little strange to tell someone who dumped you to come back, rather than ask them. Nevertheless I guess that was a slap in the face if you are still in love with him.


everyone's flipping out about this, saying stuff like "women are not sexual objects" when she's the one who texted him, telling him to come back after almost half a year.