By laststand11 - 26/12/2011 01:35 - Reserved

Today, I received a very expensive bottle of wine for Christmas. My alcoholic mother snuck into my house while I was out and drank the whole bottle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 781
You deserved it 2 651

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adropofpeace 8

Merry Christmas OP. Your mom apparently has a nose for alcohol like a bloodhound.

Did she have a key??? If so take it from her!


2ndSucks 15

"Well, now you're gonna get a bellyache."

Someone stole your alcohol? Call 1-800-CHOKE-DAT-HOE

I think that's grounds for an intervention

She needs help, and I'm not talking about AA here. She needs help on a much higher level!

Next time announce it more that you received an expensive bottle of wine, then add some laxatives, after that put a little bit of sudafed and I'm willing to bet she will learn her lesson.

frankothetanko 0

boozing=losing at least in your moms case

bizarre_ftw 21

Sue her, make her pay for it and hopefully the judge will order mandatory rehab

At least she didn't say that she'd sell you for that bottle.

FMLsOhilarious 6

I guess she'll be buying you another should go to the store with her though to make sure she doesn't drink this one off.

kaykay20 0

Don't have a key outside, lock all your doors and windows when home and away, change the locks, and maybe add a few more locks while your at it. It's theft whether she was family or not you really don't want to end up with anything more valuable stolen and possibly sold for beer money. You really should get her some help now it already has gotten out of hand.