By sorry... - 02/03/2015 16:31 - United States - Newark

Today, I realized I hate my boyfriend's little sister enough to break up with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 399
You deserved it 7 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well if you really loved your boyfriend you wouldnt even consider dumping him an option. sorry, but it sounds like whether you hate his sister or not, the relationship won't work.

niiiiick3 15

Dang sorry OP. Maybe you could try talking with your boyfriend about it or at least explain to him why you are breaking up with him.


Well, that's a whole new twist to the sins of a father being visited on their sons. Your boyfriend has no more control over their sister's character/behavior than you do on mine. Should you be dumped because I can be an asshole?

Usually I get along with my boyfriends siblings so well.... why would you hate her?

It's almost as if OP is a different person and not you..

potato63 10

If it wasn't 4 years into the relationship, and I wasn't in love with him, I would have left my boyfriend because of his father. Honestly OP, you can ignore and get rid of an annoying little sister. You can't get rid of someone's dad.

If you really loved him it wouldn't matter

upriise 9

Why would u let his sister get between the two of you

Meh, hate is just like love. it blinds people.

Family sticks with family Don't put your partner into a position whereby he has to choose, you may not like the choice he makes If the relationship has progressed beyond casual them consider counselling and you have a better chance of coming out on top If it is new or unlikely to progress explain your position and cut your losses You will do everyone especially you and him a favour by being honest