By sorry... - 02/03/2015 16:31 - United States - Newark

Today, I realized I hate my boyfriend's little sister enough to break up with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 399
You deserved it 7 559

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well if you really loved your boyfriend you wouldnt even consider dumping him an option. sorry, but it sounds like whether you hate his sister or not, the relationship won't work.

niiiiick3 15

Dang sorry OP. Maybe you could try talking with your boyfriend about it or at least explain to him why you are breaking up with him.


Did she hit her head on the wall and claim that you hit her?

fhl really his little sister ruined his relationship

Well I guess if you can't get along with your partner's family, it's more difficult to keep the relationship together