By Ab - 10/02/2009 01:50 - United States

Today, I ran out of underwear and so I went into my mom's drawer to borrow a pair from her. It was then that I found out my mom uses the same vibrator as I do. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 301
You deserved it 42 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Imahussla 0

WTF are you borrowing yo momma underwear

ktl_fml 0

the same make & model, or the exact same vibe? cuz there is a HUGE difference.


I just threw up. blaagh. BLAAAGHGH. ydi

Egh,I know the undies were clean,but it's disgusting if you think about it.. And to all of you people that wonder how she can run out of underwear,think about it:She's a GIRL and she uses a vibe,which (hopefully) makes her old enough to have a period.It wouldn't be new if the blood would accidentally reach her underwear. ..Or she could have many accidents. Oh,and I agree with all the other people:Same vibe?Or just same brand but not yours? o___O

why the **** are u wearing your moms underwear?! that is ******* nasty!

lilai1396 0

it shouldnt be an fml unless its her imma just guess it was her vibrator

be even better if they claimed they were a boy ;)