By lolcaption2324 - 23/10/2015 11:07 - United States

Today, I pulled a girl out of the way of a car. She yelled at me because I made her drop her phone, which then got run over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 602
You deserved it 1 789

lolcaption2324 tells us more.

lolcaption2324 13

No, actually she yelled, "It should've been you b*tch!" And "what the h*ell?"

Top comments


evank98 10
lolcaption2324 13

I'm assuming this is sarcasm, why was it down voted so much?

Don't take it personally... a friend of mine got rescued from slipping between the train and the platform at a station and in the panic of the moment, all she could think of saying was "careful with my cast!" since her arm was in a cast. She has regretted this moment for years...

lolcaption2324 13

I know! What was I thinking? That was totally uncalled for!

People like you are why we can't have nice things. Going around saving people's lives... Did you even consider world hunger? overpopulation? Heck, this girl might be the next Hitler and you just prevented her death. Seriously, go away, nobody wants you here.

whatunicorn 17

Stupid can't be fixed. Sorry she was so ungrateful OP but at least you did your good deed for the year lol

You can fix stupid. Every time they do something stupid taze them. Eventually they learn to make better decisions or develop unusual facial tick, heart problems, and brain damage. And to be honost I might be fine with either outcome.

ChadHelton 8

most people would just sit and twitch until they died. durr ZAP durr ZAP...

Not if it was a Nokia. Car would be totalled if that were the case.

She needs to sort out her priorities.

May she needs to dial down her obsession with technology... How'd I do?!

JohnForge 13

Better her than the dumb phone.

People value replaceable things too much now a days.