By lolcaption2324 - 23/10/2015 11:07 - United States

Today, I pulled a girl out of the way of a car. She yelled at me because I made her drop her phone, which then got run over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 602
You deserved it 1 789

lolcaption2324 tells us more.

lolcaption2324 13

No, actually she yelled, "It should've been you b*tch!" And "what the h*ell?"

Top comments


CookieCat327 9

That girl clearly doesn't know how to live her life. If a car was about to run me over and you pulled me out of the way, I would completely forget about it and thank you for saving my life.

People need to get their priorities right.. Don't worry about her been a bitch, you saved her. Be proud of that. :)

seepin 7

This could have been so romantic

Shoulda saved her then when she yelled at you just been like "nah I just playin" and pushed her in front of another car xD

push that bitch right back out into traffic

and this is when you push a little girl back into traffic