By Anonymous - 05/05/2009 06:21 - United States

Today, I paid $60 for a haircut from a professional stylist, only to walk out looking like Spock from Star Trek. The worst part was the stylist asked me, "Hey, are you going to see that new Star Trek movie?" and tried to talk me into watching it. Now, wherever I go, people are giving me the 'live long and prosper' sign. FML
I agree, your life sucks 436
You deserved it 38

Top comments

tick_tock 0

Why would you pay for a haircut you hated?

It's what happens when you pay a ridiculous price for something that is otherwise so cheap. I get my hair cut for around $7 and the lady is great.


Thats why you pay $80 for a haircut like me

DannyPenguin 0
acertijo 0

ahahaahahahhaa then you look very funnyyy :D

Hey if you look like ZQ you shouldnt be complaining :D... well unless you're a chick.

FYL for not knowing it's "live long AND prosper."

As I type this, there is an ad for the new Star Trek movie on the side of the screen hahaha. Seriously though, I think Mr. Spock is sexy. I'd tap you for having a Spock haircut....and I'd give you the Live Long and Prosper after we were done :)

shanbc192 0

gel it. it wont look like that anymore.