By Anonymous - 05/05/2009 06:21 - United States

Today, I paid $60 for a haircut from a professional stylist, only to walk out looking like Spock from Star Trek. The worst part was the stylist asked me, "Hey, are you going to see that new Star Trek movie?" and tried to talk me into watching it. Now, wherever I go, people are giving me the 'live long and prosper' sign. FML
I agree, your life sucks 436
You deserved it 38

Top comments

tick_tock 0

Why would you pay for a haircut you hated?

It's what happens when you pay a ridiculous price for something that is otherwise so cheap. I get my hair cut for around $7 and the lady is great.


sxyblnd307 0

That's entirely too much for a haircut. $10-$15 dude.

Crystalyo 0

Okay, everyone else is mean. Because honestly I got a bad haircut once and I said nothing about it, and just left. If you care about your hair, which you obviously do for paying 60 bucks, you WOULD pay that much. I pay way more for my haircuts, I pay AT LEAST 60. I never go to the hair stores(?) that are like next to Walgreens or whatever. And usually they ask you what you want, but then they'll take it into there own hands and everything, and do extra things. I'm thinking you just told the hair stylist to do whatever they thought would best fit you, and the hairstylist thought it would be funny, and cute to do that. I guess he's a trekkie? Oh well, best of luck(: "Live long and prosper" oh yea and number 14 i think? I'm definetley not a trekkie OR a geek, I didn't even know there was a difference between Star Wars and Star Trek, and I know what Spocks haircut looks like.

ThatCrazyGirl 0

Hey! Spock is a cool guy! You should be happy to look like him!

Crystalyo 0

Whoa! I wrote a freaking novel up there! I didn't even realize that! haha

bubbly123 0

zachary quinto had to have a spock haircut whilst shooting the new star trek movie.... but you never would've known in any of the pics from that period, he used gel and whatnot

@ Post #4: That's Star Wars, dummy. Not Star Treck. Learn the difference. x)

Okay, is it just me, or does this comic make no sense? The professional stylist (in the blue) is the one who walks away angry, (but his shirt magically becomes short-sleeved?) and it doesn't show the guy in red again. Isn't it the guy in red who got the bad haircut? Besides that, great illustration. :)