By chynna - 06/08/2014 21:35 - United States - Evansville

Today, I paid $325 to have the vet tell me that my 19-year-old cat ISN'T dying, she just had anxiety shits because we were gone on vacation for so long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 612
You deserved it 6 598

Same thing different taste

Top comments

After 19 years, I would assume you know how your cat works.

Vets are ridiculously expensive, but at least your kitty is healthy :)


Vets are ridiculously expensive, but at least your kitty is healthy :)

a 19-year-old is pretty much the opposite of a kitty. I didn't know they even live that long! OP must be a really got pet owner.

Old cats can still be called kitty.

my one cat lived to be 22. they really can live a long time.

Yeah, it's kind of annoying when people call older animals by their baby names. No, your ten year old dog is not a puppy anymore.

After 19 years, I would assume you know how your cat works.

after 19 years you need to accept your cat is old as hell and will die, why spend $325 on it? You deserved it

triplebeerox 27

Look on the bright side: at least your cat is alright.

19 years old!? And still pushing on!? Wow

19 year old cat is quite the trooper! Although you think you'd know your cat would do this especially if it wasn't the first vacation where you brought the cat.

If kept indoors cats can easily live into their twenties, unless they have renal or urinary problems that sometimes come with old age. By that time though they're pretty scraggly. Teeth falling out.. Old ass cat syndrome lol

They don't have to be kept indoors to live a long life. I have a cat who is 17 and she's lived outside her entire life. She's every bit as healthy as my three month old kitten. Some cats are just built to last.

What made you think she was about to die in the first place?

Because in human years, the cat is nearly 100 years old.

and cats lose their bowels close to death

they don't lose their bowels close to death btw, my cat died when she was 16

Death and illness can cause some animals, including people, to lose their bowels. It doesn't happen every time, but if I had an elderly pet with sudden bowel problems, I'd assume it was time.

I'm quite sure they don't lose their bowels. They can, however, lose control of their bowels, causing them to involuntarily "let loose."

Yep-- I realized my spelling error too late. I should never post when I just wake up.

Steal the money back, and get a new cat, and name it Kitty Purry.

That name would get old long before OP got out of jail for theft.

Pssh, come on. The only logical names for a cat are Fuzziliciousness and Fluffaluffagus.

I feel sorry for you. You most have had a long hard thought to come up with those

At least your kitty is okay! Though I don't know what kind of vet charges $325 to diagnose anxiety... Sorry, OP. Be happy your cat isn't dying.

alliewillie 22

I'm sure they didn't charge $325 just to tell her it had anxiety. If they were scared it was dying and presented a "a really sick cat" according to the owner, they likely did an exam, bloodwork, possible x-rays to look for tumors or obstructions...

Siettadulce 21

Agreed that vet visits are ridiculously expensive but at least your cat is alright! That's the important thing, right?

I feel like its so mean that vets charge so much. It's like they know they have us by the balls so they jack up their prices. The sad thing is many pets don't get the care they need because the owners don't have the money for the vet bills. I think if vets truly care about animals as they obviously do and should, they should figure out a way to lower prices or allow care for people that don't have the money to pay for it. And before people say they can't afford to lower prices, then how come a vet in a rural area is so much cheaper than one in a populated town or city? I feel bad that the animals have to suffer because the owners don't have the money, ya know? Just life I know, but still sad.