By Uggghhh - 09/05/2017 02:00

Today, I'm sitting at the vet's office while they run expensive tests on my cat. This is to make sure he doesn't have a bowel obstruction from eating the condom that my partner and I used last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 264
You deserved it 1 770

Same thing different taste

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You just reminded me of a joke. So this man goes to the pharmacy and buys 6 jumbo boxes of condoms, the cashier wants to know what he's going to do with them all. He replies "I taught my dog how to eat them, so now whenever he goes to the bathroom, he ***** in plastic baggies!"

*bowel... and YDI. If you've taken on the responsibility of a pet, you need to provide a safe space for them. And sometimes, that means cleaning up after yourself (ugh, how difficult).


You just reminded me of a joke. So this man goes to the pharmacy and buys 6 jumbo boxes of condoms, the cashier wants to know what he's going to do with them all. He replies "I taught my dog how to eat them, so now whenever he goes to the bathroom, he ***** in plastic baggies!"

Or that your cat got pregnant! Just because you're careless with your used jimmy hats, doesn't mean you want to unleash the cat-man chimaera on the world!

Yeah I once left my bowls out on the counter for a while, they got obstructed too. That's some pretty serious business.

You can probably avoid this problem in the future by not using condoms. But that will come with a whole other set of problems.

*bowel... and YDI. If you've taken on the responsibility of a pet, you need to provide a safe space for them. And sometimes, that means cleaning up after yourself (ugh, how difficult).

My dog once ate chocolate that I put on top of the refrigerator. I'm not sure how she got it. Animals get into things.

My husband and I had this happen as well when we were dating. The condom had been wrapped in tissues and put under other items in the trash can, which had a lid. My cat dug through the trash, tore apart the tissues and ate the condom while we were sleeping. Thankfully she puked it back up by the next morning so no vet visit for us. Don't assume that OP left a mess behind, animals can get very creative. As a side note, the bathroom door was always left shut after that to prevent this from happening again

ughlololol 2

Oh wow, and also ew, this was my post. Cat is fine, he's an idiot, but he's fine. And to the people of "why didn't you clean up after yourself that's your own fault you gross individual", we did. The condom was in the bin. Cat got into the bin while we were at work. He has never gotten into the bin before (and I'd also like to say that no other pet we have ever owned has gotten in the bin ever either), and we have taken the precautions so that it does not happen again. None of this "you need a safe space for your pets" bullshit, our place is perfectly animal friendly. It just seems like, in this instance, it was not idiot-cat friendly.

Cats are weirdos can't blame yourself, curiosity killed the cat is a saying for a reason, atleast your a loving enough pet parent not to take the wait and see option. Best of luck, hope kitty still has all 9 lives!

I'm glad the cat was fine. Hopefully he's learned not to eat condoms. I got a good laugh when you described your home as not being "Idiot cat friendly."

Kastrull 7

Oh my god, I read "parents" and had time to think there's something seriously wrong with OP before I realized ?

ProperPengTing 15

Well, did you throw it on the floor? If so, YDI. If you threw it in the garbage and the cat just dug it out, FYL. Might have been cheaper to have just flushed it. :D