By guest - 18/11/2011 05:54 - Canada

Today, I moved into a lovely basement suite. Unfortunately, the 12 year old upstairs plays violin. She also plays baritone. She said she alternates each day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 986
You deserved it 3 076

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tweetbaby14 18

If she's just that bad, you could be the neighbor that yells and hits the ceiling with a broom.

Well, what's wrong with that? I alternate between my cello and violin when I practice. Unless she's really bad, then FYL, OP.


shibeep 12

That's better than a crying baby. I swear my neighbors neglect their child. (and no I'm not the asshole who hasn't done anything, I've knocked almost broke their door down to ask wtf is going on)

Dude, B&E on a hunch you should a cop. Like Walker Texas Ranger.

Crank some music up louder than she is, she'll get the point.

every1luvsboners 11

Um, no. They're two completely different instruments.

perdix 29

Yes, it's a brass instrument, but it's also a male opera singer. If she's playing the latter, she must be jail-bait ;)

Um no, there's a tenor saxaphone, altar saxaphone and a baritone saxaphone

perdix 29

#81, with such detailed knowledge of saxophones, you'd think you'd know how to spell it! Don't forget the soprano sax -- that's the one you'll see sticking out of Kenny G.'s chest.

RedPillSucks 31

What? They play the sax in church?

Angelice_fml 0

It's a baritone horn. The form of baritone people use for marching bands is called a euphonium, but it's basically the same instrument.

crystalou_fml 3

102- a euphonium is not a marching version of a baritone. A euphonium and a baritone are both concert instruments and look pretty much the same to the eye. The only difference is a baritone has a cylindrical bore and a euphonium has a conical bore.

Well I'm just curious becAuse I'm a baritone (singer) but I mean, I have a Bari ukulele, I know that there are countless Bari instrument.

Cant leave now, OP already put down the safety deposit. Lol

I've lived in a basement apartment. The worst was hearing them make out! The practice time Won't be late, go for a walk to a coffee shop. Good exercise motivator.


You should bring a girl over and make her scream ;) just might scare the little girl away

yadisingh 5

Throw tomatoes has her. Makes sense.