By Anonymous - 19/02/2013 00:26 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I met my new class. There are two Kevin Smiths. Neither will agree to a nickname, they have the same hair color, and their middle names both start with J. They have told me to call them Kevin 1 and Kevin 2. They both want to be Kevin 1. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 666
You deserved it 3 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

puppster391 16

Kevin J. Smith will have to get over it, then.

Sit them on opposite sides of the class and call them Kevins Right and Left


I was in a class in elementary, I shit you not, there were (was?) THREE "Kyle Hall's" in my class.

masaega222 7

In my middle school there were these identical twins with the same first name. It was so confusing.

Call one Kevin 1.1 and the other Kevin 1.11 so they're both Kevin 1. Figure out something OP.

Just delete one of them. Problem solved.

Who's in charge, Kevin J. Smith, or you? If neither will concede Kevin 1, take action. If you're a high school teacher, send them to the principal's office. If you're college, you have a lot more leeway. Or better yet, just give them nicknames. Tell them you are referring to them as those nicknames, so if they don't answer to them, it's not your fault. On an sidenote, I hope Kevin J Smith is on here and he's laughing.

Call one of them "Jay" and the other one "Bob."

So, call them whatever the **** you want... You're the teacher are you not?

Call them Kevin 1 and Kevin A. You don't want to have a favourite pupil, do you?

Call the piss head Kevin #1, call the piece of shit, Kevin # 2.