By sunflowercake - 23/08/2009 23:10 - Canada

Today, I made a very pretty sunflower cake that I woke up incredibly early to make. It took me hours and a lot of money. It was for my grandparents anniversary and my whole family was invited. We only got to see the remains because the waiter gave it to the wrong family, and they ate it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 931
You deserved it 2 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Man, you really cant say ydi to this. Unless your ******* retarded


what's a freaking sunflower cake? E=MC2

Ummm...possibly a cake decorated as a sunflower? Or decorated with lots of sunflowers on it? You can't possibly be that dumb, please tell me that was a joke.

jdkfgkjdfb 0
spyderman2190 0

lame, hope u got ur money back

Wow, hope they paid for it, and I hope you kicked the waiter's ass!!!

Thats messed up I would have cursed out the Waiter! [Behide my grandparents back]

Crappy waiter and asshole family that ate your cake! Wow... maybe there is truth to the whole "You can't have your cake and eat it too" misstatement (It was originally "You can't eat your cake and have it, too." Think about it.) FYL...

Good lord, I would be incredibly pissed off. Complain to management about the waiter and get a free meal or something, then meet the family that ate your cake in the parking lot and beat the living hell out of their asses.

thelonelylurker 0