By not anymore - 30/10/2015 23:29 - United States - Monroe

Today, I made a Facebook post about my upcoming driving test. My grandpa said he knew I would succeed, prompting my idiot boyfriend to reply "For sure, she really knows how to suck seed ;)" followed by him liking his own comment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 507
You deserved it 4 853

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's a fine line between trying to be funny and disrespect towards family. I'm pretty certain your boyfriend just crossed it with a huge leap.

Mr_Mole 24

I think you know you've outgrown him.


It's your fault for having a dumb boyfriend. Should've realised it faster.

Kinda your fault for doing that stuff in the first place, especially if he is as big a dumbass as he sounds. So.. FYL and YDI

justanotherday7 7

Am I the only one concerned that OP is "sucking seed" before she's old enough to drive? Maybe I'm reading this wrong???

You must've had other hints that you are dating a low life loser! Should've dumped himbefore he insulted you in front of your family

I'm sorry, your boyfriend is an idiot. kick him to the curb.