By moomanjohnny - 31/05/2014 06:40 - United States - Pleasanton

Today, I'm babysitting two 6 year old kids. One of them won't stop screaming, and the other kid found his mom's vibrator and won't stop playing spaceship with it. The parents will be home in an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 493
You deserved it 5 485

moomanjohnny tells us more.

I finally got the one screaming to calm down and go to sleep. I also got the vibrator away from the other kid by distracting him with my phone. Everything was good when the parents came home, until the kid told his mom about a cool "spaceship".

Top comments

It's not your fault OP, that kid's mom should find a better place to hide her vibrator

Hey mummy! Wanna play buzz lightyear with me!?


Maybe mommy needs to put her toys away in a better place. Her kids should never be able to get to her 'spaceships' in the first place!!!

And if you did that to my kids, I'd definitely have your ass arrested.

Chill out stop being bitchy like you've never been on your phone around kids?

You should have played stupid and said you didn't know what the vibrator was.