By plzstop - 04/10/2016 11:03 - United States - West Lafayette

Today, I'm a college student. Just like every other goddamn day, my roommate set about twenty alarms a good two hours before she even needs to get up. She just sleeps through the first hour or so of alarms while I wake up. I've been waking up at 6 a.m., even though my first classes are at 9. FML.
I agree, your life sucks 14 571
You deserved it 1 352

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have you thought about talking to your roommate? Maybe she'll understand if you ask her to set fewer alarms!

Take it up with your DM (Dorm Manager).


Shay_Shay97 23

I have a solution. Ask her to put in headphones or earbuds or something like that before she goes to bed. That way there's absolutely no way she can sleep through the alarms, and you get to sleep in a little bit more. All my classes start before my roommate's, and that's what I do. It's a win- win.

chessu 21

I sleep with earphones as ear plugs do nothing for me (everything comes through anyway, the plugs help a BIT), but they are still quite uncomfortable (and I have tiny ones) and I have never woken up with them still in my ears

I've tried to go to sleep like this, but every time I wake up the earbuds are either tangled around me or off somewhere else, never still in my ears.

I forgot to mention- This is especially bad because if you have your headphones plugged in and they come off of/fall out of your ears while you sleep, you won't be able to hear your alarm AT ALL when it goes off, because all the sound is now forced to go through the headphones. It's not even worth risking.

pound on his/her door at 6 every morning

If they are in a dorm they are more than likely in the same room.

I was thinking of also just pounding on her door like SWAT is coming in but if they are in the same room that's even better!! I would suggest putting a spray bottle with water next to OPs bed and when she doesn't wake up, spray her with the water. My uncle used to do that and believe me, I learned to get up real quick.

Ask her if you can set an alarm for when she needs to wake up so then you can wake her

13: That shouldn't have to be OP's responsibility.

I agree...but pick your battles. if she is already up and can get the roommate up, and it takes 30 seconds but gives OP an extra two hours to sleep, then why not?

species4872 19

So you've been arriving at your class 2 hours early huh.

I sleep through an hour of my alarms too... maybe if you woke them up then went back to sleep they would set less alarms? Idk, I know what it's like to be a heavy sleeper

chessu 21

I know what it's like to be not, and even though it may be a better solution to what they've got now, as someone who is constantly woken up at 6am by my housemates cooking, it definitely disrupts my sleep and I want to sleep like extra 2h

ollygollymolly 6

I had a roomie in high school that did this and she had one of the bell clocks that was SUPER loud. Only she would set it around 4am and get up around 6am when we all needed to be waking up. After talking to her about it and trying various other things, her clock got smashed. Wups. Oh well.