By Anonymous - 05/08/2009 11:04 - India

Today, I left my brand new iPhone on the counter, and went to get its cleaning cloth. My grandmother saw a mosquito, and used my iPhone as a fly swatter. I now have a broken iPhone. Good news though: no more mosquito. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 828
You deserved it 5 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seriously, how many different ways can people on this website get their iPhones broken?


noshitsherlock 0

ughhh old people are SO ******* stupid. (like all the posts with stupid parents destroying school work lately)

skullbuster 0

You are just jealous because you don't have an iphone. Once you have an iphone, you will understand that "my cell phone" does not begin to communicate the religious experience accompanied by use of the gold standard in mobile devices. God bless Steve Jobs, his monotonous wardrobe, and those wonderful products his company keeps churning out!

That's what I'm saying. I have an iPhone, and I just say my phone. I couldn't care less about the iPhone: it does the same stuff as any phone these days.

sublime93 0

#57: LMFAO. I agree with you. I mean iPhones are great & i have an iTouch so i know how smooth the operating system is, but damn it you don't have to worship a phone :)

ACT99 0

This is why we need the new health care plan, so we can kill off the old people and not have to worry about them throwing are phones around.

The mosquito killed the iPhone, because mosquito was a recently pulled from the app store for duplicating a function of the iPhone.

BladeSlayer 0

Grandmothers and other grandparents have an incredible tendency not to realise what the **** they're doing. Well . . . If the misquoto was a female, it might've been making that annoying buzzing sound. To end that annoying sound, I would too, use an iPhone, because it's so damn annoying!

.......why didnt you just take your iphone with you?

You should go to They fixed my broken screen for $50

Why the heck are you complaining? The mosquito's dead. Drink and be merry.

One of my grandmothers (I have four; which would take a lot of explaining) is completely technologically inept. Now I don't know whether or not your grandma is like this, but hopefully she can replace it. My Grandma doesn't spend a lot of time around people who have expensive technology so she mostly doesn't know enough about it to care. FYL.

Don't really believe this happened. It's so much harder to squash a fly with an iPhone because it's so small. It's alot easier to use hand. And old people are not afraid of little mess.