By QueenOrangeSoda - 01/05/2013 21:33 - United States - Henderson

Today, I learned that binding my stomach with duct tape isn't worth it to look thin. I also learned the even worse part when I shrieked more loudly than I should've when I tried to discreetly rip it off in history class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 575
You deserved it 62 821

QueenOrangeSoda tells us more.

QueenOrangeSoda 21

OP here! As one kid remarked, "That's a LOT of tape" and "But you're skinny!" If only he knew the whole thing. Yes, it was stupid, but when I took it off, I noticed that my fat was contained, and I looked thinner all day. Of course, no one deserves the pain of having it on or, even worse, removing it. (Those back hairs!) And let's not mention those blistering red marks. Still, it was worth the price. And no, I'm not fat or even chubby. I'm rather active--some would say hyper--and don't even eat that much in the first place. My weight and height are perfectly proportionate; I'm an average size. But since I'm not stick-skinny like my sisters, my family pesters me to lose weight. Besides, thinner girls at my school get more guys. I'd been sucking in for days, but I needed something to keep it that way. I sucked in when applying the duct tape, and since the fat couldn't get through its tight told, it looked as if my stomach were perfectly thin and flat. Sadly, some kids noticed and wondered why the heck my tummy was taped. I decided it wasn't worth the pain and I peeled it all off, awful pain and red marks included. I wish I could've cut it off; it would've been easier that way. After about halfway I excused myself to the bathroom to strip off the rest (the more painful parts) in a stall's confinement.

Top comments

That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! Why would you use duct tape of all things if you wanted to bind your stomach? Sure it should've occurred to you to use Saran Wrap or something. Or just not bind it in the first place.

Why not actually work out to lose weight instead of doing something stupid


Try a corset. There's technology out there - no need to resort to duct tape. Contrary to an urban myth, it is not the solution to everything. Pretty damn close though...

soooooo_over_it 3

next time use the duct tape on your mouth...

At school people go crazy about weight and it can be dangerous. You don't have to worry about what other people think. A lot of people don't love the way they look - please don't be one of them. There are always beautiful features about everyone! Adn fashions change. Duck taping yourself sounds dangerous - it demonstrates that psychologically you are very unhappy so I would speak to a counselor (most people have had counselling at some point in their lives - it is nothing to be ashamed of). Also you could struggle to breathe if you do it too tightly. In the olden days, women would wrap a special type of cushions around their hips to make themselves seem larger because wide hips are good for childbirth. Fashions change. Don't worry and please do not saran wrap yourself or anything - we are too obsessed. “Fat’ is usually the first insult a girl throws at another girl when she wants to hurt her. I mean, is ‘fat’ really the worst thing a human being can be? Is ‘fat’ worse than ‘vindictive’, ‘jealous’, ‘shallow’, ‘vain’, ‘boring’ or ‘cruel’? Not to me; but then, you might retort, what do I know about the pressure to be skinny? I’m not in the business of being judged on my looks, what with being a writer and earning my living by using my brain…I’d rather they were independent, interesting, idealistic, kind, opinionated, original, funny – a thousand things, before ‘thin’. And frankly, I’d rather they didn’t give a gust of stinking chihuahua flatulence whether the woman standing next to them has fleshier knees than they do. Let my girls be Hermiones, rather than Pansy Parkinsons.” JK Rowling

This is a really great comment! Something I love about this one specifically is that, you aren't going on telling her to lose the weight, but rather, to just learn to love herself for who she is and not care about being thicker than the other girls in school. A lot of people are telling her to lose weight or to use proper products, but, it seems like OP may have some really horrible confidence issues, and getting some counselling or therapy is much more important than losing weight. Plus, it seems like OP would only be losing weight for looks, which isn't worth it- you should probably only try to lose weight if you are unhealthy, otherwise, there are much better things you could do with your time.

lkhardin 13

You just made my day! Go Potterheads!

Ahhhhhh, straight from the heart of 'Murica this one comes from, because everybody knows Americans are lazy enough to give it a go.

Give eating well and going tithe gym a go, that is.

lkhardin 13

Not true, I'm an American and I don't have a flat stomach and I'm fine with it. Not all Americans are lazy and dumb, thank you very freaking much. Don't make false generalizations.

Kuhu1993 21

Why would you say FML when you are ******* and messing up with it all by yourself.

If you are thicker than the other girls in class, try to appreciate that it means you don't look like everyone else! If people are picking on you for being heavier, they don't deserve to be your friend. There is nothing bad about not being thin, as long as you aren't unhealthy, and if you are unhealthy, you should probably just focus on being healthy, not looking healthy.

How on earth did you think this was a good idea?!?!?!

How about you actually try to lose weight instead of trying to PRETEND you're thinner? Don't be lazy. It's good to be thin, it means you're healthy. No one wants to be fat. Don't accept your weight for how it is, if you're sensitive about it than lose the weight. Stop lying to yourself and others, try to look as good as possible.

Being thin doesn't always mean you are healthy. At all. And although I understand what you mean - OP could very easily be an average sized person and still think she was too big. How you see yourself and how you actually are can be different things.

Than she needs to stop being so weak minded. And yes being thin does mean healthy, not anorexic, but thin. No one should be content with being fat or even chubby, they should always strive to be the best that they can be.

monnanon 13

people should be content in themselvrs no matter what size they are. we are not supppsed to be the same size or we would all be the same height with the same motabolism. oh and thin people are not always healthy in fact size is not a good indication of health as people who are really skinny can be really healthy as can those who look fat.

Spanx, you need to go get some if you're that worried about it.