By Matt - 12/08/2011 00:46 - United States

Today, I informed my family of my plans to divorce my wife after catching her cheating on me twice. They bitched me out because I will not be able to survive financially or emotionally without her support. I'm a doctor. She's been unemployed for 2 straight years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 074
You deserved it 2 674

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some family you've got there. Sorry OP. :(

Kypopz 9


juliaaalove 8

Well sometimes those unemployment checks can come in handy.. Just kidding tell her she can take your parents in the divorce and you keep the house :)

wow why tell them things that they can't even understand? unemployed for 2 years damn I didnt even know that was possible

Well, it is possible as long as you have a docter for a husband ;)

I can imagine him walking in on his wife and her cheater and him being like Chris Hansen "Now why don't you have a seat over there."

Just2BMe 5

Doctors make good money. Why would your family think you can't support yourself? Unless you suck at what you do..

cradle6 13

Well, not really. And especially not at first. It really depends what you do, what the overhead is, what country you're in, etc.

milou_fml 6

..because catching her the first time just wasn't enough

Doctor by day, pimp by night eh? U jus lost a bitch of a ho ... Big deal you will survive despite an loss of income

see, now you know what has kept her "busy" for the last two must be very forgiving for not getting a divorce after she cheated on you the first time..."her support", your family sure has some sense of humour...

They're partially right. She's gonna squeeze every last penny out of you during the divorce.

SpruceDread4578 13

not if he proves she was being unfaithful.

a_nutritionist 10

easier said than done. personally, id stfu until i found some solid evidence. i highly doubt his first thought was to grab a camera and get evidence for the divorce, so just start dating, bust her in the act, apply the divorce and move the new girlfriend in. not only will it give her the message that shes now not getting a thing from you, but also that she means so little to you that youve already moved on.

Even with cheating, unless they have a prenuptial and he can prove her infidelity, he will have to pay spousal support, especially since she has no other income. Sorry, dude. I feel for you, but the law is going to screw you over.

Divorce her. Its simple, they cant stand in your way bby ckes.

Well you will be poor because she is unemployed so you will have to pay her half your money every month for alimony! Usually it's for half the length of the marriage. In California, if you are married 10 years or more, you pay alimony for life! I hope you are not in a state with this same law and I hope you were not married more than 10 years otherwise it will suck for you. Worst thing in California is that even if she cheated she would still get half of your paycheck. I went through divorce so i know these things. Good luck.

If she cheated she won't get a dime all he has to do is prove it.

wow that sucks! in Canada they tell the spouse to get a Job. you only have to pay child support and that's if she has custody of the child you share! and it's based on your income and other bills. each partner only gets 50% of what was accumulated during the relationship! not half of a paycheck. that is ridic!